Building a Team with Competencies Over Credentials

We know that a list of credentials doesn't paint the full picture of a candidate's potential.

A diploma can give a candidate a great theoretical foundation, but experience gained through less academic (or even traditional) means can be more impactful...

We like to think of talent as a puzzle of interconnected competencies and personalities working in service of a vision, held together by clear goals and ways of working. If you understand these components (vision, ways of working, goals) and the skills you need to support them, credentials lose their allure. Instead, a picture of a group of happy people emerges in your mind - people who can forge non-linear career growth paths and deliver huge value.

It has the great side effect of being a little more inclusive too – not everyone can afford to take two years off and go into debt to get that MBA.

Make room for a culture that values individuals that can actually make things happen (and inspire others to do so), not just the titles they hold.


Psychological Safety is a Launchpad, Not a Safety Net for Mediocrity